Tooth Extractions
in Broken Arrow, OK

At Lynn Lane Family Dentistry, we understand that dental extractions are not dental treatments that most patients look forward to. That’s why we try to keep our tooth removal services as gentle and efficient as possible to help our patients restore their oral health and have overall positive experiences. If you are interested in learning more about our restorative services or need to schedule a dental extraction with our team in Broken Arrow, please contact us!

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Are dental extractions painful?

Before we extract a tooth, a local anesthetic is always injected into the gums near the tooth to completely numb the teeth and gums. You may feel some pressure during your treatment, but it should not be explicitly painful. Once your treatment is complete, we will provide you with some aftercare instructions to manage any pain or discomfort that may arise once the anesthetic wears off. If you are anxious about your extraction, our office also offers relaxing dental sedation, which can relieve dental anxiety and make the entire visit feel much more calm and relaxed.

What’s the normal healing time for tooth extractions?

It depends on how many teeth are removed, and everyone’s recovery process looks a little different. We always advise patients to take the rest of the day off after having a tooth extracted, especially if dental sedation was used during the visit. Then, another several days of taking it easy and eating soft foods will be required to help the extraction site heal properly. Too much activity too soon can cause the blood clot to come loose from the socket, which can be painful and set the healing process back. After a few days, you can assess how you feel before returning to your normal routine.